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Puppets on Power Bible Stories

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New Testament

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In this powerful episode of the life of Jesus, titled "Feeding the 5000," we witness a remarkable display of compassion, faith, and divine abundance. The story takes place in a remote area near the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus and his disciples find themselves surrounded by a vast crowd of people eager to hear his teachings and witness his miraculous acts.

Jesus Feeds 5000

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In the book of Matthew of the New Testament, it describes what happened when there was a storm on the Sea of Galilee!

Jesus Walks on Water
Jesus at the Temple

Jesus spent a lot of time at the temple. This video covers when He overturned the tables, observed the widow giving her last two bits of money, and when he predicted the future destruction of the temple.

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Witness the unwavering faith of Jairus as he seeks the miraculous healing touch of Jesus for his gravely ill daughter.

Jairus' Daughter

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This story describes the perseverance of four friends of a paraplegic who were determined to find help for their crippled friend.  Finding Jesus was easier than getting to Jesus!  Another miracle in the making! Luke 5:17

Through the Roof

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The Good Samaritan asks the question: Who is my neighbor?  And who will be my neighbor in my time of need?  Luke 10:25

Good Samaritan

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Embark on a heartfelt journey as we delve into the timeless story of the Prodigal Son found in Luke 15. At various stages in our lives, we may identify as the broken-hearted parent, the rebellious younger son, or the resentful older brother. This narrative beautifully illustrates that God's love knows no bounds and eagerly welcomes anyone who turns back.

The Prodigal Son

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In this lesson, we learn about the 10 lepers whom Jesus cured, but only one of them returned to give thanks. The plot is about mending wounds, welcoming others in, and giving thanks. Luke 17:11 

The Ten Lepers

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In John chapter 5, there is a story about a man who had been lame for 38 years and was still waiting to be healed.  But only the Great Healer got the job done!

Healing at the Pool of Bethsaida

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After the death of one of Jesus' closest friends, who had been in the tomb for four days, Jesus went to visit him and demonstrate his power.

More Miracles

Three more miracles of Jesus: the widow's son who came back to life, the healing of the Centurion's servant, the healing of Peter's mother-in-law, and making Blind Bartimaeus see again!

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