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"Puppetunes" Music Parody Videos and
Re-enactments of Bible stories


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  1. Stream videos for free for individual or group viewing

  2. Download videos for offline viewing 

  3. Download audio only for use with your own puppet team

How to use our videos:




The music for these delightful parodies were written by Mark Bradford at Puppetunes and became the launching pad for Puppets on Power. 

"Puppetunes" Music Videos

Adaptations of Old Testament stories to teach your kids fundamental truths.

Old Testament Stories

New Testament stories that bring the stories of Jesus and the early church to life.

New Testament Stories

Our goal is to provide Biblically-sound puppet re-enactments to students of all ages across the globe.


Whether you are a Bible class teacher, a homeschool teacher, a parent, or a grandparent, we want to partner with you, teaching children about God's love.

Why Puppets on Power?


Video, film & TV are such powerful influences in today’s culture…and we want to use that power for good. We feel that bringing scripture to life is our greatest honor and responsibility.  Sometimes even Sunday School curriculums could use more emphasis on Bible stories, and we can help with that!


Puppets are enjoyed by all ages and are a wonderful way to deliver a message! More importantly, puppets can help that message be remembered for years to come.  Adults have often told me that what got them through a hard time in life was remembering the courage of David, or the faith of Jairus, or the obedience of Jonah.  For every problem you or your child may face….there is a Bible story for that!


It can’t get better than free, right!?

And you can feel “free” to show our website’s videos as much as you want by streaming!  Should you want to “own” your own copy of the material, our super-low prices make that easy for all churches, schools and homes around the world.  The question I am most asked is: “May I have permission to show your video or use your song to….?”  The answer is “YES”!


Meet the Team


Darla Robinson

Writer, Producer, Puppeteer

Nick Buchanan

Voice-over Artist, Puppeteer

Ron Ayers


Tom Whaley

Cinematographer, Graphics, Camera Direction

Michael Meador

Sound Engineer, Puppet Maker

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